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Different Types of Trading Card Games

There are a few different types of trading card games. The most popular type is the collectible card game (CCG). These games involve players buying, collecting and playing with cards featuring characters, monsters and objects from various movies, TV shows and video games. You can also check out here to know more about trading card games.

The second type of game is the role-playing game (RPG). These games typically involve a player taking on the role of a specific character and undertaking tasks in order to progress through the game. Card games based on RPGs include Magic: The Gathering and Hearthstone. 

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The last type of game is the family-friendly strategy card game (FSSCG). These games are typically shorter than CCGs or RPGs, but feature more cartoonish graphics and are designed for families to play together. Games in this genre include Disney Infinity 3.0 and Pokemon Trading Card Game Online.

There are many different types of trading card games. Each one has its own set of rules and mechanics, making them all unique and fun.

Here are a few of the most popular types:

-Yu-Gi-Oh Trading Card Game: Yu-Gi-Oh! is another hugely popular trading card game based on a manga and anime series. Players use cards to duel against other players, using strategy and luck to win matches. 

-Pokémon Trading Card Game: This is a popular card game based on the hugely successful Pokémon franchise. Players collect and battle with Pokémon cards, trying to become the best trainer in the world. There are several different versions of this game, all with their own unique rules and strategies.