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What Causes Dental Disease?

Dental disease is the result of a combination of genetic, dietary, and lifestyle factors. The most common causes of dental disease are cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay. Here's a look at some of the more common dental diseases and their causes.

Cavities: Cavities are caused by infection with bacteria that form when food debris, plaque, or other particles build up on the teeth. The bacteria ferments the food in the plaque and forms acids that destroy tooth enamel.

There are several risk factors for developing cavities, including smoking, drinking coffee or tea throughout the day, eating sugary foods and drinks, and not brushing your teeth regularly. You can also contact Elgin Dentist & Orthodontics at Smiles of Elgin Dental Care.

Gum Disease: Gum disease is a condition in which the gums become inflamed and swollen. This can cause the teeth to pull away from the gums (adhesion), leading to tooth loss. Gum disease is most commonly caused by poor oral hygiene—not rinsing your mouth after eating or brushing your teeth regularly enough. Other risk factors for developing gum disease include being overweight or having high blood pressure.

Tooth Decay: Tooth decay is a process that starts with bacteria breaking down food particles on the teeth into acids. Then the acids dissolve tooth enamel, leaving holes where bacteria can grow and continue to decay teeth. It's not just food particles that can cause tooth decay; bacteria are also common in mouthwash and water.When the gums become swollen or infected, it can cause nearby teeth to loosen from their sockets.