Health And Fitness

Tips For Cooking Truffle Salts

Truffle salt is quite simply a fancy way of saying table salt. Invented in the mid-nineteenth century, this salt was originally created as an inexpensive alternative to table salt. By mixing white or black truffle with various other pieces of raw ingredients, black truffle salt was created. As opposed to truffle gourmet foods, truffle salt tends to be a little more refined in taste and odor, but that is not always a bad thing. If you are looking for a healthy alternative, then truffle salt may just be the thing for you.

Although it is very clear what the purpose behind black truffle salt is, many people are confused about how to make a great truffle and how to enjoy the highly distinctive taste of this salty treat. With a variety of recipes for this wonderful confectionary topping available on the market today, it has become widely popular as a gift idea, and as a way to stimulate the taste buds. If you love to add a little something special to your morning cereal, scrambled eggs, or even oatmeal, then you need to try some of these recipes for truffle oil.

To make this type of dish, simply begin with some cut up pieces of stale white bread. If possible, try to find the original, unadulterated (or at least slightly less than 1% yeast) bread. Then gather up several whole cloves of garlic, a small bunch of fresh flatbread, and a teaspoon of dried sea salt. Mix all of these items together, and then start whirling.

To make a delicious truffle salt shake, simply pour about a tablespoon of the mixture onto a whole piece of flatbread. Spread the mixture out to the sides, and then flatten it out. Add a couple of tablespoons of dried sea salt to the center of the mix. Cut the bread into large chunks, and then drop these chunks onto the mixture. Continue this process until all of the pieces have been incorporated into the larger crumb. Once this is done, turn the bread mixture over so that the other side is face up.

As you can plainly see, truffle salt is a healthy food. In addition to its healthy properties, it is also quite tasty. So much so that people who are not used to its flavor, do not even notice it is there. To add a little more flavor to it, you may add a little of the salt directly to the food you are baking. This allows you to add in a little extra touch of the truffle salt for an extra dose of healthiness. Also, it is highly recommended that you keep some truffle salt around your home.

Since truffle salt is so tasty, it is highly recommended that you learn how to make a few of these treats on your own. There are many different ways you can make this treat. Some include placing it in a microwave for about thirty seconds and then microwaving it again. Alternatively, you could also boil it and then let it cool until it's ready to serve.

One of the best ways to enjoy truffle salt on your diet is to use it to replace the fat and calories that you are taking in. Although you would probably notice in advertisements for diet foods that truffle salt tends to be a high-calorie item, it does not have to be. Instead, you should make truffles as part of your snacks. Since it has a high sugar content, you may want to consider limiting its consumption to three bites a day, or you can have them with a meal. However, if you want to consume truffles regularly, you may find it best to replace that small amount with a dessert.

The great thing about truffle salt is that it pairs well with just about any snack. Popcorn is one snack that you can pair well with truffle salt. In fact, popcorn is often served alone on its own in gift boxes, though you may also choose to package it in a container in which you have placed a piece of popcorn. If you buy a container of popcorn, place it in the freezer before you prepare it, and then heat it up while it is still in the box. When you serve these delicious snacks to guests, they will love the salty taste that you have added. Popcorn is also a great snack when you have company over, just pop it into your oven for about two minutes, and your guests will surely love your snacks!