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How Hollywood Actors Gain Muscle For Movie Roles

From time to time a Hollywood actor will make dramatic physical transformations for a film role that people will talk about.

For example, Christian Bale completely overhauled his build when he gained over 100 pounds for his part in Batman Begins. 

Hollywood celebrity Ryan Reynolds shocked everyone when he was torn and muscular for his role in The Amityville Horror. There are many more Hollywood actors like these who have worked on their bodies for movies. You can get the details of top 10 Hollywood actors via who gain body muscles for their movies.

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The two most important keys to building massive muscle (Hollywood style):

Key 1: Eat to Grow

There are some “armchair” experts out there who swear that all you need is a small amount of protein to build muscle. The problem is that sometimes lab tests don’t work very well in the real world. The protein case is a great example.

Ed Norton has reportedly publicly admitted to using steroids to gain weight because of his role in American History X. I can’t find this confession online anymore, but I see in every conference that Ed Norton talks about increasing protein intake to increase muscle mass. Ryan Reynolds speaks about eating 8-10 high protein foods a day to achieve his transformation.

Key 2: Strength training to build muscle mass

If you want to build significant muscle mass and strength, you cannot exercise with light weights. You really have to force your muscles to grow by exercising with increased weights.

Christian Bale emphasizes this fact:

“I can’t do push-ups, so we have months ahead of us. I was just in the gym with this crazy good friend of mine, a former marine instructor who made me lift impossible heavyweights for … months- months.” months and then. She finally managed to get fit just in time for the film to start. “